Two professionals performing sub-surface utility engineering with truck

Utility Services


The benefits
of Subsurface Utility Services

Blood Hound will identify and locate all underground utilities and subsurface structures during a project's engineering and design phases to ensure the accuracy of plans, reduce downtime, mitigate safety hazards, and lower overall project costs.

For every $1 spent on subsurface utility services, you can expect to save a minimum of $4.62 due to lower design costs; more accurate bids; and less downtime due to change orders, damages to underground utilities, and claims processing.

Two people performing sub-surface utility engineering with truck
Two men carrying equipment to perform sub-surface utility engineering
Two men from Blood Hound performing sub-surface utility engineering with truck

Lower Costs

Leads to lower overall design costs and more accurate bids.

Reduced Downtime

Reduced downtime due to change orders, utility damages, and claims processing.

ASCE Compliant

ASCE 38-22 Compliant.