Over the years, we’ve spent a lot of time getting acquainted with the Earth. We have maps and maps of what you’ll find if you dig it up. Playing in the earth is kind of our job. So we’ve grown to care a lot about this patch of dirt we live on.

Recently, we’ve launched an undertaking to go 100% paperless with our deliverables. Now, all of our techs are carrying iPads, and our clients can provide digital signatures at the end of a job.

And this isn’t just good for the Earth. Without the paper, we can get project documentation to clients faster and easier. As soon as we get your signature and close a job, clients will immediately get an email with a link to receive all supporting project documents—images, sketches, and anything that doesn’t need post-processing.

It’s just another way we’re trying to do everything we can to better serve our clients and be the best underground utility locating company in the nation!