When to Call a Private Locator

When is it time to call a private utility locator? We get it—you don’t want to make the call if you don’t have to. But if you’re getting ready to dig on a commercial property, you most likely will be dealing with buried private utilities. 

Any utility beyond the meter is usually considered to be a private utility. Typical locations that will need a private locate include places like warehouses, office parks, universities, hospitals, retail developments and industrial sites. They also may include commercial properties like apartment complexes or other places with restricted access.

Another hint that you need to call a private locator is when you have limited, incomplete or outdated blueprints and records for these sites. In these instances, especially, you’ll benefit from the more advanced technology used by private locators. At Blood Hound, our Ground Penetrating Radar and EM Induction Survey lead the way in identify and locating buried utilities like sewer lines, private lighting, sprinklers, fire mains, secondary electric lines to detached garages, and septic lines.

If you aren’t sure if you need a private locate, just give us a call. If your property can be located by 811 alone, we’ll tell you that. But if not, we’ll help you figure out the best next steps for going beyond.