

Detecting Leaks

Residential image

Leak Detection

Using The Latest Technology

1 Servicing residential, industrial and commercial customers, our friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff will help educate and problem-solve all projects no matter how large or small. Our certified technicians are well trained and use the latest technologies to pinpoint with extreme accuracy the damaged and leaking pipes for repair.
Schedule Leak Detection Service

Water Main Leaks

Repair leaks under the slab of your house

2 A leak in pipes under your house or at the water main can cause flooding at the worst time. We can detect the precise source of the leak resulting in lower cost and damage to your property.
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Residential Plumbing Leaks

Fix wasteful leaking faucets

3 A leaky faucet that drips at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year.
Schedule Leak Detection Service

Leaking Toilets

Running water in your bathroom can be costly

4 A leaky, running toilet wastes more water than most dripping faucets. A sign of a leaking toilet is the sound of running water and the toilet turning on and off without being flushed.
Schedule Leak Detection Service
Residential image

Survey & Audits Commercial

Buildings & Work Sites

1 Leaky faucets in your business that drip at the rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year, and leaky, running toilets waste even more water than faucets. By repairing the leak it can save your business hundreds of gallons of water a day.
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Irrigation Systems

We will Check & Detect any Leaks

2 An irrigation system should be checked each spring before use to make sure it was not damaged by frost or freezing. A leak 1/32nd of an inch in diameter (about the thickness of a dime) can waste about 6,300 gallons of water per month.
Schedule Leak Detection Service

Fire Water Feed & Sprinklers

Hydrants, Valves, and Pipes

3 Leaks in your fire water feed or sprinkler systems can not only cause damage to your assets but also cause danger to your employees. We'll find any leaking issues you have in your fire water feed and sprinklers.
Schedule Leak Detection Service

Process Water Lines

& Chilled Water Systems

4 Any lines carrying liquid underground in a pipe for your business can experience leaks, and we have the technology to discover and repair the problem in the most precise process.
Schedule Leak Detection Service
Leak Survey image

Leak Survey

Locate Your Water Lines & Detect Unknown Leaks

  • Locate water line and exact placement of leaks for precise digging.

  • Discover placement of fire water lines.

  • Receive maps & reports of lines and points of interest for future reference.

Water Audits image

Water Audits

Create a more efficient water distribution

  • Accurately determine the amount of unaccounted-for water (UAW) leaving your system.

  • We'll help you create a plan for adjusting and building a more efficient water system.

Solutions Just For You

Water Audits Tailored For Every Situation

Residential homes image background

Residential homes

You might be surprised to know that the average American family of four can use an excess 50,000 gallons of water annually – up to an additional $600 on their utility bill each year! This can be attributed to a number of factors including unknown plumbing leaks, inefficient fixtures and high demand landscaping. A Water Audit provides home owners with insight to how much water they are using, how that compares to the national average for responsible water usage, and how much money they are (literally) sending down the drain each year.

Commercial Buildings & Sites image background

Commercial Buildings & Sites

The EPA reports office buildings, schools, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, and other commercial and institutional facilities use a significant amount of water and energy in their daily operations. Water Audits provide building owners, facility managers and other stakeholders with valuable insight needed to use water more efficiently to reduce the risk of water shortages and increasing costs.

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Municipalities live under a microscope of scrutiny for fiscal, social and environmental responsibility. From public drinking water systems, to wastewater and storm water management, there are a lot of places that problems can be overlooked, underground. Blood Hound’s Water Audits provide municipalities with valuable data to make educated decisions about the maintenance and management of their infrastructure for the future of their communities.



of basements will experience some type of water damage during their lifespan.



experience a water damage emergency each day in the U.S.



of water or more is wasted per day in 10% of homes with leaks.



of homeowners have suffered losses from water damage

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Audio/Visual Technology image

Audio/Visual Technology

Precise Digging Means Lower Cost

Our use of robotic camera technology and noise correlation equipment gives us the ability to precisely locate the area of your leaks which results in a smaller digging area to reach the problem.

Strategic Planning

Plan, Audit, Discover

Servicing residential, industrial and commercial customers, our friendly, knowledgeable and professional staff will help educate and problem-solve all projects no matter how large or small. Our certified technicians are well trained and use the latest technologies to pinpoint with extreme accuracy the damaged and leaking pipes for repair.

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We Use Soundwaves To Find Your Leaks

Noise corrolators help use pinpoint precise locations


We calculate the distance

Microphones or acoustic sound sensors are placed in contact with the pipe, at two or more points, to record the sound emitted by a leak (e.g. a hissing noise) somewhere between the points. The sound data is processed through a mathematical algorithm which compares or correlates the two recordings to determine the difference in the times it takes noise to travel from the site of the leak to each of the sensors. If the distance between the sensors is known in advance, this timing information can be used to determine the location of the leak.


Dig Precisely at the leak location

Blood Hound deploys more than just your typical leak detection equipment to find leaks. Blood Hound also utilizes EM locating, Ground Penetrating Radar, robotic camera systems, and vacuum excavation to ensure that you find your leaking pipe. Our Blood Hound leak technicians can pinpoint the leak so your only digging in the area that’s needed in order to properly fix the leak.


Resulting in lower cost for repair

Time is money. So is unnecessary and costly digging in a larger area to see exactly where the leak is. By pinpointing where the leak is, you are only digging in the area that’s needed in order to properly fix the leak.

Robotic Camera Inspection

Less Digging Results in Lower Cost

See The Exact Cause of the Leak

By sending our robotic cameras into your underground piping we are able to record the exact cause of leak issues and also pinpoint future problems.

  • Cameras can be used to visually find leaks in pipes when acoustic technology may not work.
  • Use camera systems to find water infiltrating into sewer pipes, (Good use if there are no visuals of a water leak above ground)
  • Use cameras to locate untonable plastic water lines without tracer wire

Pipe Collapse

Root Intrusions

Vertical Piping

Pipe Damage